My Therapeutic Approach

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you’

Maya Angelou - I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

I offer a therapeutic style that is guided by a psychodynamic framework. This means that our therapy together will explore the patterns in your thoughts, emotions and beliefs. It a free flowing therapy where we work with whatever you bring into the session that day. Yet we will work with the intention of allowing unconscious processes to come to the surface where we can safely examine and identify how they impact your experience of every day life. In our work together we get to experience your story and look at the parts that might hold you stuck, overwhelmed or where you feel nothing at all.

The Therapeutic Journey

There are many different modalities of therapy which offer a variety of ways to work. I am a therapist that works with clients on a long term basis and for weekly sessions.

We meet weekly to keep the momentum of the work and to give holding to your exploration. Therapy can feel discombobulating at the beginning, it may be surprising how your body or inner world respond to the work. Therefore we meet weekly to hold space for this unfolding to occur.

I do also work with clients fortnightly but we would move to this after we create a solid base and relationship to work from.

In my approach I work with a knowledge of the physiology of the body. We will use grounding techniques, breathing exercises and will work to observe how your body feels, holds tension or is activated as we work. Above all else we work in a way that feels comfortable for you and is underpinned by safety. The body holds a powerful wisdom that must be honoured and respected. What this looks like in therapy is us both paying attention to when we might need to stop exploration and bring you back into the here and now. We will be working on the edge of discomfort not bringing you to a place where therapy feels unbearable.